BOTH the ombuds for long-term (life) and short-term (non-life) insurance jointly put almost R400-milion back in the hands of consumers in 2021.
The ombuds for long-term insurance recovered R200 million for complainants, while the ombuds for short-term insurance said the monetary benefit for consumers amounted to R197 188 388.
Written requests to the ombuds for long-term insurance exceeded the record set in 2020, as did the chargeable (to the insurer) complaints. Over 7 500 cases were finalised.
The increase in the number of complaints was largely due to the effects of the COVID-19, notably funeral and credit insurance claims.
The ombuds for short-term insurance registered fewer complaints compared to 2020, mostly relating to business interruption and travel insurance.
Over R200M was recovered for complainant in lump sums and an additional R948 592 was awarded to complainants as compensation for poor service.
Thirty-one complaints resulting from the civil unrest, looting and damage to infrastructure were registered last year, with 23 relating to commercial insurance and eight relating to personal insurance.
About the offices
For complainants who are uncertain at which office to lodge a complaint, there is a single portal which provides the following contact points:
Fax: 086 589 0696
Share call number: 0860 103 236
Complainants of both life and non-life insurance can continue to use the existing entry points.
For the Ombudsman for short-term insurance visit: website or call 0860 726 890 or email