DEKRA Industrial has achieved a current overall Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) status of Level 1. This rating, effective from April 1, 2023, comes after the company was previously recognised as a Level 3 contributor.
Managing director Johan Gerber clarifies: “The change from Level 3 to Level 1 status in just over a year is a tremendous achievement, and we are very pleased and proud to make this announcement! The revised status gives Dekra Industrial access to tenders for state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and other projects, where having a Level 1 or 2 status is a minimum requirement. Furthermore, when the tender stipulates the minimum requirement of a Level 2 status, having a Level 1 status is then an added competitive advantage, with a 135% BEE procurement recognition.
A powerful – and empowered – combination
“This new Level 1 status also gives the company improved access to heavy industry tenders – in sectors such as renewable energy and petrochemical – where local content is required. A powerful adjunct to this is Dekra Industrial’s highly-regarded global Service Division Industrial Inspection, with its specialist non-destructive testing (NDT) and inspection skills, technologies and extensive knowledge base.
Gerber notes that Dekra Industrial is also very proud to have achieved this current overall Level 1 status as part of its commitment to diversity and inclusion, and the
overall ongoing development of South Africa and its economic transformation.
Proudly assisting employees, clients and business partners
“We trust that, as the company successfully gains access to increased business in the future, the benefits thereof will also positively impact our employees, because all new business improving the company’s revenue ultimately benefits their careers and development,” he explains.
“In addition, the achievement of the current overall B-BBEE Level 1 status is also of benefit to Dekra Industrial’s clients, suppliers and business partners. Our revised status means that we can offer a procurement rating of 135 percent which assists our Dekra Industrial clients with regard to their own BEE status and ratings, and competitiveness in the marketplace.”