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FMD under control

Home Agriculture FMD under control

NO new cases of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) have been reported in the Kouga and Koukamma regions, according to Megan Maritz, Agri EC natural resources manager. In an update to members on 24 January, she said no positive results have been received since 19 September 2024 (serologically positive). There are 37 positive farms (made up of 6 beef farms and 31 dairy farms) and 39 negative-vaccinated farms within the Disease Management Area (DMA).

Of the 37 positive farms, 26 have reached Day 0. 56 farms in the DMA are naïve and not under quarantine, which includes 15 000 animals that are naïve and unvaccinated.
Surveillance testing was done during December on naïve farms, the State Vet is still awaiting these results. These results as well as an additional round of intensified surveillance testing (which would include a combination of clinical and serology surveillance) have to be done within the DMA to prove that there is no circulating virus within the DMA, mainly on the negative farms in the DMA, as these farms will be classified as sentinel farms.

It was suggested that cows born after the last reported case should also be considered in the surveillance. The National Department will consider lifting the DMA once this has been achieved and negative results are obtained from the surveillance testing.

This would be the first step towards lifting the DMA, as agreed to by the National Department. Once the DMA is lifted, the farms under quarantine (positive-vaccinated and naïve-vaccinated farms) will remain under quarantine, with restrictions, until the quarantine has been lifted. The State Vet has cautioned the rush of lifting the DMA, as the risk is still high.

The surveillance planning and steps to lifting the DMA will be taken to the Technical and Trade Committee and National for guidance.

For the lifting of quarantine, Dr Maja referred to the WHOA standards with regards to the closing of an outbreak, and therefore lifting of quarantine on individual farms is based on the Terrestrial Animal Health Code, which states a quarantine period of a minimum of 12 months.

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