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Elevating industry with robust, powerful batteries

Home Transport & Logistics Commercial & Fleet Elevating industry with robust, powerful batteries

FOR many businesses in construction, shipping and distribution centres, operations rely on forklifts and scissor jacks to lift and move heavy materials and cargo around spaces efficiently and safely. These industrial applications need reliable and powerful batteries to perform their functions effortlessly.

That’s according to Murray Long, Managing Director at First National Battery, who said Surface Motive Power (SMP) batteries are ideal for these applications.

“In addition to powering forklifts, the SMP battery also plays a secondary role in supporting the forklift’s lifting capacity.  Buying the right SMP battery for your industrial applications is an investment, and will ensure the applications perform optimally, avoid disruptions to business operations, and reduce potential harm to employees,” he said.

“First National Battery assembles batteries compliant with international quality and safety DIN standards.”

Long said producing low antimony in SMP positive battery plates also ensures businesses can benefit from robust batteries that require lower maintenance and have a reduced self-discharge rate.

Benefits of SMP batteries with low antimony positive plates include less frequent topping up is required, reduced operating cost, lower risk of overcharge during the first charge, and increased service life.

Additionally, the negative and positive plates of SMP batteries complement each other, providing balanced battery performance. Other features should include extended battery life, improved safety and mechanical strength.

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