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Accurately evaluating solar PV circuit performance

Home Infrastructure Environmental – Green Industries Accurately evaluating solar PV circuit performance

WHEN measuring and analysing solar PV circuit performance, regardless of the test method, it is important to know the plane of array irradiance and cell temperature to deliver an accurate evaluation. Paying attention to environmental conditions will ensure that the I-V curves are accurately interpreted as rapid changes in the irradiance or cell temperature can introduce errors to I-V curve tests.

Proper sensor types and test methods, like the Fluke Solmetric PVA 15i-V curve tracer, can be used for reliable results, according to Comtest.

Environmental conditions

Optimal performance tests are conducted under stable weather conditions with irradiance above 700 W/m². This is particularly crucial when establishing a performance baseline at commissioning or recommissioning and relevant for troubleshooting.

The standard test condition irradiance is 1000 W/m2, and the closer the field test conditions are to standard test conditions, the more accurate the interpretation of I-V curves will be. Good test conditions will most likely occur during the 4-hour window around solar noon.

Irradiance measurements

Irradiance measurement errors can significantly affect photovoltaic performance testing. For instance, a small error margin in irradiance can overshadow the accuracy of even high-quality I-V curve tracers like the Fluke Solmetric PVA -1500. Fast-moving clouds near the sun and high-elevation cirrus clouds are particularly problematic.

One of the benefits of using I-V curve tracers for performance test measurements is that critical environmental data can be saved along with I-V data.

This eliminates manual data entry errors that can cause trouble later and minimises the opportunity for errors associated with rapid changes in test conditions.

Choice of sensors

True pyranometers are not a good choice for I-V curve testing, as they have a wide, flat spectral response that differs from that of crystalline and thin-film module technologies. Hand-held irradiance sensors are also not a good choice, as it can be challenging to orient them reliably and repeatedly in the plane of the array. Hand-held irradiance sensors may also have an angular response that differs substantially from fielded PV modules. Angular response is significant early and late in the day and on days when cloud cover scatters a significant amount of sunlight. Under these test conditions, the array and sensor must have an equally wide sky view.

Reflective light influence

Irradiance sensors must not be influenced by strong optical reflections, as this can lead to inaccurate readings. If the irradiance sensor picks up significantly more reflected light than the PV modules under test, the model will overpredict Isc, and the module will appear to be underperforming. Under certain circumstances, sunlight reflected from metal surfaces can greatly exaggerate the irradiance reading. This can usually be remedied by changing the sensor mounting location.

Temperature measurements

While PV module performance is less sensitive to temperature variations than irradiance, it’s still a significant factor. Light-gauge thermocouples are preferred for measuring cell temperature under varying conditions. Positioning the thermocouple correctly is vital for accurate readings. Since array and module edges tend to run cool, the thermocouple should be positioned between the corner and the centre of a module located away from the cooler array perimeter. This practice aims to select a sensor attachment point that approximates the average backside temperature. The tip of the thermocouple must make good contact with the back of the PV module, as air gaps interrupt heat transfer, resulting in low-temperature readings. When moving the thermocouple between identical array sections, placing it at the same relative location each time should avoid introducing artificial temperature shifts.

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